The South African Chambers of Undertakers (SACU) emerged as a dynamic forum uniting undertakers and funeral parlours from various associations across the nation


SACU’s mission is multifaceted, encapsulating the goals of unity, excellence, and advancement within the funeral industry.

We aim to foster an inclusive environment where undertakers and funeral parlours from diverse backgrounds can come together, forging lasting connections, sharing knowledge, and collectively addressing the challenges and opportunities that shape our profession.



Our vision is anchored in the principles of integrity, compassion, and service excellence. We aspire to be the foremost advocate for industry standards, ethical practices, and the dignified treatment of the deceased and bereaved families across South Africa.

Testimonials From Our Valued Clients

Grateful for SACU's commitment to unity and excellence – they've created a platform where diverse undertakers collaborate, forging connections that truly make a difference.
John Makoti
SACU has been our guiding light during a challenging time, seamlessly bringing together professionalism, integrity, and innovation in the funeral industry.
Taku Miriam
Choosing SACU was a decision filled with assurance and respect. Their inclusive environment fosters lasting connections, making a challenging period more manageable for bereaved families.
Sarah Nji
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